Learn a song about porcupines Lyrics

In this super fun animated music video for kids, Jungle Jim meets Scratch the Porcupine! Scratch teaches us all about porcupines and how they use their quills to protect themselves. This video is filled with fun lyrics, catchy tunes and animal fun facts that are educational for babies and young children alike. Your baby or older children can dance along to the music, so it’s a great source of exercise and our videos teach character building as well!

Fun Facts About Porcupines Lyrics
Hey I’m a Porcupine,
Don’t touch my quills
Yeah, I’m a Porcupine

Learn about monkeys — Fun facts about monkeys with Flip

In this fun animated music video for kids, Jungle Jim and Stripes the Tiger meet Flip the Monkey! Jungle Jim learns all about monkeys and sees different types of monkeys in their natural habitat. This video is filled with fun lyrics, catchy tunes and animal fun facts that are educational for babies and young children alike. Your baby or older children can dance along to the music, so it’s a great source of exercise and our videos teach character building as well!

There’s the sound of an animal up in the trees
Who likes to be happy and is happy to please
He eats a banana which he holds with his tail
Let’s go find him, he’s up the trail

Kids learn animal facts – Jungle Jim’s song about animals

Original music and charismatic characters make it easy for kids to learn fun facts about animals from inside their magic world. Jungle Jim is a young boy whose vivid imagination takes him and his animal friends on magical interactive adventures throughout the animal world. Amazing facts about wildlife are entertainingly communicated through musical skits performed by the animals themselves. Catchy singable tunes make it easy for kids to learn about lots of different animals.

Jungle Jim
He wants to be your friend
Jungle Jim
He’s waitin’ round the bend
You will find a new adventure

Jungle Jim meets Dash the Cheetah (learn to read sing-a-long)

Jungle Jim meets Dash the Cheetah (learn to read sing-a-long)

Jungle Jim meets Dash the Cheetah in this super fun animated music video for kids! Jungle Jim learns what makes cheetahs run so fast and just how fast they can run! This video is filled with fun lyrics, catchy tunes and animal fun facts that are educational for babies and young children alike. Your baby or older children can dance along to the music, so it’s a great source of exercise and our videos teach character building as well!

My body’s built for speed

And my claws stick out from my toes
They grip the ground like spikes on running shoes
When I bend my back
And kick back my legs
I spring through the air

Tiger Song For Kids Lyrics

Jungle Jim meets Stripes the Tiger in this fun animated music video for kids. Jungle Jim learns why tigers and many other animals have camouflage and how it helps them in their natural habitat. This video is filled with fun lyrics, catchy tunes and animal fun facts that are educational for babies and young children alike. Your baby or older children can dance along to the music, so it’s a great source of exercise and our videos teach character building as well!

My fur has a pattern
It fits me just right
And the pattern mixes in
With the shadows and the light